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​My team at Jack Morton was proud to partner with the Ad Council, R/GA, Publicis, corporate sponsors, subject matter experts and so many others who collaborate to make Love Has No Labels possible.


As the Content, Social and Community Management AOR for Love Has No Labels, we had the privilege of working to change people's hearts, minds and behaviors daily.


And it worked. This is a part of that story.

​The Challenge

Every day, Americans unintentionally make snap judgments about people based on what we see — whether it’s race, age, gender, religion, sexuality or disability. Love Has No Labels, a non-profit campaign by the Ad Council, set out to combat bias with love. While it had been successful in convincing people bias leads to discrimination, it needed to get people to take action in their own lives by discovering their own biases, and then to start changing them.

The Insight

While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, it’s those same Americans that are often unwittingly exercising bias in their day-to-day lives. Why? People are actually discriminating unintentionally. In other words, “good people” are guilty too. To truly change our behavior, we need every day reminders of our good intentions and actionable advice on how to catch our own implicit biases that we’d otherwise overlook.


The Idea

In partnership with the NFL, Love Has No Labels created a campaign that everyone could get behind: Fans of Love. It was launched on Valentine’s Day with a video captured at the Pro Bowl where surprising couples of all different races, ages, genders, religions, sexualities and disabilities came together during the most diverse Kiss Cam interlude ever.

The Experience

Our job was to ensure the video's impact didn't stop in the days, weeks and months after initial viewing. To do that, we first ensured the Love Has No Label’s Fans of Love campaign reached the masses, was shared by advocates and changed the behaviors of Americans. Our content and social campaign featured distribution of the Fans of Love anthem video through aligned influencers, ranging from celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres to microinfluencers like Eric LeGrand and Mega Mouth Media.


To extend the campaign's impact in the long term, and ensure that people received daily prompts to re-think their own biases, we created social platform native content that appeared in social feeds daily, including Instagram Stories, Facebook Photo Frames, Twitter Videos and Boomerangs.


Finally, for Americans ready to make a difference in fighting implicit bias, we provided actionable instructions for daily behavior change. Highlights included downloadable guides, a partnership with Penn State and articles educating our audience about how to battle implicit bias.


Behavior change takes time and doesn't happen overnight. As such, results are ongoing, but ongoing tracking studies demonstrate that Love Has No Labels is having a significant impact on the American population:

  • 30M+ views of the Fans of Love video and ancillary social content

  • 150M people were reached by the campaign hashtag in the first 15 days

  • 61% of Americans are aware of a Love Has No Labels PSA

  • There's been a 10-point increase in the percentage of Americans who agree they can be an active part in creating a more inclusive and accepting environment

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